Updated COVID-19 Guidelines

A healthier community starts with you. And as a community of faith, we covenant to keep each other safe and look out for each other.

The best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated and to follow our church guidelines below. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and widely available.

The COVID-19 vaccine will protect you from severe illness, hospitalization, and death; and protects vulnerable people in your community who cannot get the vaccine.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, call the Montgomery County Office of Public Health at 610-278-5117 or visit https://www.montcopa.org/COVID-

CHANGES TO RETURN TO CHURCH GUIDELINES: The dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases and the uncertainty of the Omicron variant has led to some changes in our guidelines. Please see the changes bolded below.

We continue to ask for your help in protecting our entire congregation and the wider community by staying home if you feel sick in ANY way. Please also stay home if you have experienced any of the following:
• Any symptoms of Covid-19 – cough, fever, loss of smell and/or taste, headache, or shortness of breath.
• Have cared for or been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 14 days. (Please note that this does not apply to health care professionals.)
• Have been advised to self-quarantine.
• Are currently infected with Covid-19 or are undergoing treatment for Covid-19.
Are feeling sick in any way, even if you think it is allergies.

In light of the Omicron and Delta variants:
If you are unvaccinated, please enjoy our services and special church events from home.
• Get vaccinated as soon as possible. We encourage this out of our deep care for you and our community! It also helps prevent mutations of the virus.

• Please be careful to wear a mask properly and social distance as best you can when attending in person worship and events. Please remember to practice good hand hygiene.
Double-masking is encouraged unless you are wearing an N-95 or KN-95 mask.
• We will be suspending fellowship/refreshment time for the foreseeable future. So, please remain masked in the church buildings at all times (Some of those leading worship will be unmasked during their part in the service, so please leave the front row empty).
• We ask that church related meetings be held by zoom in the new year.

The RTC Team will continue to monitor pertinent information as we always have and make ongoing decisions about restrictions as new information is available. We ask for your patience and hope our church community can be flexible enough to move in and out of restrictions with ease, if necessary, as we keep in mind the safety of our congregation and the community at large.

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